Registered user since Tue 10 Nov 2020
I am an Adjunct Research Professor at Carleton University. My research work covers Software Engineering, Data Science, and Modeling & Simulation. My work has been published in top peer-reviewed journals and conferences. I have received multiple scholarships and awards for achievements including the W.B. McDermid Holbein Memorial award. In addition to my involvement in academia, I have considerable experience in the software industry. Currently, I work as a Senior Project Engineer for the Government of Canada.
I am also experienced in designing and developing pedagogy for graduate and undergraduate courses. Since 2019, I have been designing curricula, developing course material, and teaching Data Science and Software Engineering at the graduate and undergraduate levels. I have earned several certificates in designing courses and teaching at the university level. I adopt various strategies of experiential learning and I promote bridging the gap between industry and academia through my teaching and collaborative efforts. In 2022, I received Carleton University’s teaching achievement award for my effort in this area.
Furthermore, I am an advocate and supporter of women in STEM. This is apparent through my different volunteering roles and contributions to the IEEE Women in Engineering publications, Technovation, and the Ontario Women in Engineering organization.
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