Registered user since Wed 5 Aug 2015
Grace Lewis is principal researcher and lead of the Tactical and AI-enabled Systems (TAS) initiative at the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Lewis is the principal investigator for the “Characterizing and Detecting Mismatch in ML-Enabled Systems” research project. She is also a member of the “High Assurance Software-Defined IoT Security” research project and leads the SEI’s work in tactical cloudlets. Lewis’ current areas of expertise and interest include software engineering for AI/ML systems, IoT security, edge computing, software architecture (in particular the development of software architecture practices for systems that integrate emerging technologies), and software engineering in society. She has a B.Sc. in Software Systems Engineering and a Specialization in Administration from Icesi University in Colombia; a Master in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University; and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She is a member of the IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors (2020-2022), the Treasurer for the IEEE Computer Society Technical & Conference Activities Board (T&C), and the Executive Vice-Chair for the IEEE CS Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE).
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