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Tue 10 Nov 2020 08:00 - 08:02 at Virtual room 2 - Empirical in Practice

A critical issue in software development projects in IT service companies is finding the right people at the right time. By enabling assignments of tasks to people to be more fluid, the use of crowdsourcing approaches within a company offers a potential solution to this challenge. Inside a company, as multiple system development projects are ongoing separately, developers with slack time on one project might use this time to contribute to other projects. In this paper, we report on a case study of the application of crowdsourcing within an industrial web application system development project in a large telecommunications company. Developers worked with system specifications which were organized into a set of microtasks, offering a set of short and self-contained descriptions. When crowd workers in other projects had slack time, they fetched and completed microtasks. Our results offer initial evidence for the potential value of microtask programming in increasing the fluidity of team assignments within a company. Crowd contributors to the project were able to onboard and contribute to a new project in less than 2 hours. After onboarding, the crowd workers were together able to successfully implement a small program which contained only a small number of defects. Interview and survey data gathered from project participants revealed that crowd workers reported that they perceived onboarding costs to be reduced and did not experience issues with the reduced face to face communication, but experienced challenges with motivation.

Tue 10 Nov

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08:00 - 08:30
Can Microtask Programming Work in Industry?
Industry Papers
Shinobu Saito NTT Software Innovation Center, IIMURA Yukako NTT, Japan, Emad Aghayi , Thomas LaToza George Mason University, USA
Closing the Gap Between Software Engineering Education and Industrial Needs
Journal First
Vahid Garousi Queen's University Belfast, Görkem Giray Independent Researcher, Eray Tüzün Bilkent University, Çağatay Çatal Wageningen University, Michael Felderer University of Innsbruck
Effort-Aware Just-in-Time Defect Identification in Practice: A Case Study at Alibaba
Industry Papers
Meng Yan School of Big Data & Software Engineering, Chongqing University, Xin Xia Monash University, Yuanrui Fan Zhejiang University, David Lo Singapore Management University, Ahmed E. Hassan Queen's University, Xindong Zhang Alibaba Group
Fireteam: A Small-Team Development Practice in Industry
Industry Papers
He Zhang Nanjing University, Huang Huang State Key Laboratory of Novel Software Technology, Software Institute, Nanjing University, Dong Shao Nanjing University, Xin Huang
Learning to Extract Transaction Function from Requirements: An Industrial Case on Financial Software
Industry Papers
Lin Shi Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Mingyang Li Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Mingzhe Xing ISCAS, Yawen Wang ISCAS, Qing Wang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xinhua Peng China Merchants Bank, China, Weimin Liao China Merchants Bank, China, Guizhen Pi China Merchants Bank, China, Haiqing Wang Beijing Software Cost Evaluation Technology Innovation Alliance, China
Towards transferring Lean Software Startup Practices in Software Engineering Education
Paper Presentations
Orges Cico Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Conversations on Empirical in Practice
Paper Presentations
Huang Huang State Key Laboratory of Novel Software Technology, Software Institute, Nanjing University, Rachel Tzoref-Brill IBM Research, Sebastian Baltes QAware GmbH and The University of Adelaide, Shinobu Saito NTT Software Innovation Center, M: Diomidis Spinellis Athens University of Economics and Business